
Economic Forecasts & Trends Rates & Equity As we start a new year, I am often asked where home prices are headed.  While I don’t have a crystal ball, I study the market trends and activity closely.  Many aspects affect home prices, such as the overall economy’s health, inventory levels (supply & demand), and interest rates.  Seasonality is also a pattern I […]
Buying Homes Now or Later: When Interest Rates Drop… The question that many potential buyers are asking themselves right now is: should I wait for rates to drop before I buy? Higher interest rates have certainly made monthly payments higher and challenged overall affordability, however it is important to consider creative financing options and what the impact on prices will be once rates lower. Experts […]
Buying Homes Win-Win: How to Overcome Interest Rate Pressure with Creative Financing Win-Win: How to Overcome Interest Rate Pressure with Creative Financing Lately we have talked about life changes leading to real estate moves. Sometimes moves are brought on by joyful advancements in life and sometimes they are motivated by hardship. Then there are times when your actual house just doesn’t fit your life anymore and it […]
Buying Homes Should You Stay or Should You Go? Should You Stay or Should You Go? Interest Rates Limit Inventory and Stabilize Prices There has always been a direct correlation between interest rates and home prices. The rule of thumb has always been when rates go up prices go down, and vice versa. This was temporarily proven true in the summer of 2022 when […]
Buying Homes The Difference Between Long-Term & Short-Term Interest Rates The Difference Between Long-Term & Short-Term Interest Rates It is very important that consumers understand the difference between long-term interest rates and short-term interest rates. Long-term rates involve home mortgages such as conventional 30-year fixed, Jumbo, FHA, and VA loans. Short-term rates involve car loans, credit cards, and Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs). While […]
Buying Homes Understanding the Current Shift in the Real Estate Market: HOW INTEREST RATES AFFECT PRICES HOW   As we continue to examine the shift in the market, we must take a moment to take a deep dive into interest rates. Since the first of the year, long-term interest rates have increased 2.7% from 3.11% on 12/30/21 to the peak of 5.81% on 6/23/22, but have started to level out. On […]
Buying Homes How Does the Current Market Shift Impact Home Buyers & Sellers?   “How’s the market?” is a question I am asked all the time. Now more than ever, the answer to this question is critical and detailed. You see, our market is experiencing a shift, a slowing down of price growth, if you will. Believe it or not, this is providing great opportunities for both buyers […]
Buying Homes Spring Market Update  As we round out the first quarter of 2022 and head into the notorious Spring Market there are a handful of factors that should be considered whether you are a buyer or a seller. Paying attention to the anticipated increase in housing supply, monitoring buyer demand, and assessing the effects of rising interest rates on the […]
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